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Ranching and cattle

Texas plaintiff attorney Ernest H. Cannon’s passion for ranching and cattle operations rivals that of his dedication to the legal profession. Cannon has kept cattle and stayed in tune with the cattle industry most of his adult life, buying and selling multiple ranches over the years. He has always prioritized good stewardship, working hard to make the ranches he owns better from a sustainability standpoint.

Ernest Cannon posing with cows - Jae Bar Fletch Ranch

Cannon’s insistence on breeding and working with only the finest cattle, and his hands-on supervision of the ranches themselves, have won him national recognition on several occasions. He repeatedly won high honors at the Houston Livestock Show and both Houston and San Antonio Commercial Female Sales. His victories included multiple Grand Champion awards with his Brahman-Hereford F1 females. Commercial cattlemen across the state recognized his cattle as some of the best in the industry.

Ernest Cannon’s successes in this field stem from his insistence on quality over quantity. Cannon has always taken cattle raising seriously as a business, insisting on a high yield of pounds and sales revenue but also paying close attention to the needs and preferences of his customers. He wanted the genetics that he has so painstakingly produced to continue to work for his clientele and raise the overall standard of cattle in the U.S.

Cattle - Jae Bar Fletch Ranch

While shifting his emphasis from ranching to commercial cow-calf operations, Cannon has maintained his own F1 herd while criss-crossing the nation in search of top-quality bulls for breeding stock. He currently crosses his females with the finest Brangus and Angus bulls.

© 2023 Jae Bar Fletch Ranch

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